I'm using following commands personally as it gives me best performance to quality ratio.
When present, it will be loaded after "", but before "", which means it overrides CVars in "", but not in "". Is it just me or the doesn't seem to be working? I’ve made a list with working console commands If you know more commands please let me know I will update the list here is a list with cry engine commands you can set commands as default by creating a file type the commands (e.g using editor) into a file named “” () save the file here: c:\progams\steam\steamapps\common\kingdomcomedeliverance Available. Now there are two ways of loading in the config file, one way is to r/ kingdomcome - KCD characters reimagined in the CK3 ruler designer. EDIT: Think I found in in "users\user_name\kingdomcome.
Make a new file called in and open it in a text editor. I've been digging around commands and settings to see how much performance I can squeeze out for myself.
Custom – This is a command in needed to Unlock the Console to accept Commands Con_Restricted = 0 This Setting reduces some of the aggressive Bloom Effects that has, recommended set to 0 for less blinding lights. Create a file in the KingdomComeDeliverance folder, same folder where is placed. The order in which "" files are loaded also depends mod load order. For example: sys_maxfps=60 My GPU sounds. Add the command +exec to your desktop shortcut in the Target section.
Custom user config for all your needs. Do i need to put it in the Mods folder? Does any one know? Create in root of your game's directory - drive:\steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance and copy-paste text below, save and launch the game.